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Un uomo senza terra. 1970-1980, presentazione di Vasco Gaiffi, Forlì, Forum, 1981.

Uno strano pensare detto felicità, Montecatini Terme, Tip. Di Grazia, 1985.

L’ acqua, il mondo, la vita. Le poesie raccontan di pace, Pistoia, Ed. Comune, 1986.

Il gioco delle ombre. Otto racconti, prefazione di Anna Brancolini, Montecatini Terme, Di Grazia, 1993.

Movimenti, Firenze, Esuvia, 1996.

Claudius Claudianus, Per Palladio e Celerina. Per Lorenzo. Epitalami, introduzione, traduzione, commento e note a cura di Edoardo Bianchini, Pistoia, E. Bianchini, 1997.

Claudius Claudianus, Epitalamio e fescennini per le nozze di Onorio e Maria, introduzione, traduzione, commento e note a cura di Edoardo Bianchini, Pistoia, E. Bianchini, 1997.

Serti di rose e spine. Amor sacro e profano da Omero a Tasso, scelta, introduzione, traduzioni e commento a cura di Edoardo Bianchini, Firenze, Fersu, 1999.

Carmina priapea, introduzione, traduzione e note di Edoardo Bianchini, Milano, Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli, 2001

Giuseppe Lipparini, I racconti di Cutigliano, a cura di Edoardo Bianchini, Pistoia, Libreria dell’Orso, Tip. G.F. Press, 2001.

  Studi e Varia             
Edoardo Bianchini, Italiano straniero. Piccolo repertorio storico dei barbarismi e dei significati che mutano nella lingua italiana, Perugia, Guerra, 1999.

R. Fedi-E. Bianchini, Per superare il concorso di italiano e latino. Classi 43/A, 50/A, 51/A, 52/A. Esame orale, Milano, Mursia, 2000.

Maccari. Carezze e graffi, a cura di Edoardo Bianchini, Quarrata, Bottega d’Arte, 1999.

Edoardo Bianchini, Invito alla lettura di Primo Levi, Milano, Mursia, 2000.

  UWXdXKeOhc   RcKewyFcCIb   jel@levkulicgroup.com   21:13   17/10/2012 
That's rlaely thinking out of the box. Thanks!
  kuoDdJTO9   FOg8jK08i   jgscpqp1kt5@mail.com   9:07   8/2/2017 
He called that "thing" sweetie? Good God man, if it didn't have that faux Jen Anniston haircut I would swear that someone finally found Bigfoot. Screw these PC police people. With all the real problems in the world, this is the last thing someone needs to apiogloze for. Lighten up.
  b3PXd2ehtx5s   9nfMnj9USFo   alan56@adm.cgmh.org.tw       
For the past three years at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, YouTube has partnered with WEF to give YouTube users the chncae to send videos to world leaders. Fom a special production booth up the Swiss Alps, presidents, CEOs, and global change-makers respond directly to those videos throughout the conference. This year, we're opening up the conference even further by allowing you to share your ideas using our new Moderator tool which will be incorporated into three different panel discussions at Davos. Go to the Davos channel (youtube.com/davos) to submit your ideas and questions. Loic LeMeur will bring your questions to his panel on the growing influence of social networks; Rima Maktabi of Al Arabiya will use your ideas on her televised panel on the balance of power in the Middle East, and Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times will include your thoughts in the debate over female genital mutiliation, a panel which will feature the winner of our "Your Pitch to the World" contest, Julia Lalla-Maharajh. And as usual, we'll be streaming your questions at our YouTube booth at Davos, too. One value of the Moderator tool is that it allows you to engage via video and text. You can also vote up the most important ideas and questions submitted by others to help determine which issues you want the panelists to address. We used the same platform in Copenhagen for the CNN/YouTube Debate on climate change, and will continue to use it in 2010 as a way to bring your participation to televised events. Go to YouTube.com/Davos and join the discussion now.
  uTlb39HS   0mRQYf0dUE   f3h1dv0ks@mail.com   7:51   8/2/2017 
.. Yeesh we offered Fish 3 ye1#7?I&r82as;m more shocked by the duration than the amount (the amount per year is actually below what I would have expected, since I thought it was confirmed we offered more than 2.5).Giving your woman a blank check for rennovations is a disaster. For all your veteran savvy, this was a newlywed mistake, Fisher.
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