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  TPeWUhjaWMEG   WgcDLfUhBf   6whfo94y@outlook.com   1:18   22/7/2016 
If money is coming in, or is intended at any point in the future to come in, then money should go out - to everyone, including the writers. There is a differene between Lulu-ing ten copies of your novel for family Christmas presents, and a business project like this which is intended to at least pay for itself eventually. If it isn't intended to earn money, if it is staying 'a hobby' - why exactly should anyone contribute their time and talent for free to the furtherance of other pe&e#pol39;s hobbies?
  Maoid2qM4   6om4p76yndM   c53zy2g5lp@hotmail.com   9:02   8/2/2017 
ENFIN, je lui ai piqué sa femme, maintenant je vais lui prendre son fils. la génération SARKOZY me convient pafteitemanr. des vrais réformes comme on les aime
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